How much fun we could have had...
I cannot wait to take more and this time you two will actually get in the water!
Andrea and I have a long history together we actually meet almost 14 years ago in Kindergarten and were in the same schools all the way through High School. It is so funny how friends come and go. My very first friend from elementary school and now to be such close friend again after we are out of High School is an unbelievable blessing. I really don't know what I would do without her at times. So you can imagine how excited I was for her when I found out that she was engaged. Although, I did not even know this guy (Cory).
So here is their story...
Cory and Andrea meet through cheerleading at Owens Community College. Cory had already made the choice to join the Marines before him and Andrea started dating. When Cory left for boot camp Andrea sent him a letter everyday and let me tell you these were not short notes at all most of them were a page or two long typed. When Cory graduated from boot camp Andrea traveled with his family to go see him. Cory was home for a few days before Andrea and his Grandpa drove him down to Camp Lejeune, North Carolina where he is now stationed. Andrea and Cory have both made trips back and forth to see each other. They are planning their wedding for Oct. 2008.
Here are a few of my favorites...